The Governing Board of PBL Education Pty Ltd. trading as the International Graduate Institute (IGI) is the governing body with overall responsibility for the Institute, including its finance, strategic direction, governance and risk management.
Independent Chair
Independent member
Independent member
The Governing Board has delegated the academic governance of the Institute to the Academic Board. The Academic Board has responsibility for the academic administration and oversight of educational processes supported and guided by academic policies. The Governing Board has delegated to the Academic Board the responsibility to convene academic committees as identified in the Governance Charter to support them in discharging their roles and responsibilities.
Independent Chair
Independent member
Independent member
General Manager IGI
Registrar IGI
PBL Education Pty Ltd., trading as the International Graduate Institute (IGI), is a registered institute of higher education (PRV14347) and a registered provider of higher education to overseas students (CRICOS Provider Code 04116M). All courses delivered by IGI are accredited and are recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Copyright PBL Education Pty Ltd trading as International Graduate Institute (IGI), ACN 640 184 747, Provider ID PRV14347, CRICOS Provider Code 04116M.
Level 5, 540 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 | (+61) 2 7201 7300